
Learn how you can help out.

Plant🌱Smart is a free service built upon open source software. We welcome constructive feedback and participation from the public.

  • Found some new plants that aren’t listed yet?
  • Found a speeling missed steak spelling mistake?
  • Found something that’s not working properly?
  • Found some better images for an existing record?
  • Got a suggestion for a new feature?
  • Felt the deep and undeniable urge to buy me a ☕️?

All participation and contributions are done using Github, so if you’d like to help out, you’re going to need to register an account if you don’t already have one.

Submit an issue

This is probably the most pragmatic option for most people. Log into Github and submit a new issue. Be sure to add a detailed title, description and — most importantly — ensure you’ve selected an appropriate tag to associate with the issue. This allows me to quickly sort though and prioritise other entries.

Fork the project

If you’d like to get your hands dirty with the source code, or update the plant database yourself with new records and images, feel free to fork the repository yourself and submit a pull request when you’re finished.

All changes are peer-reviewed before merging into the main branch and deploying to production.

Shoot me a message

If you’d rather not go through the hassle of dealing with Github, feel free to fire off a message to me on Twitter and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I’m able.

Buy me a ☕️!

By design, operational costs are pretty low for this service. At the moment, I only pay to renew the domain name. But, I do spend a lot of my free time maintaining the site. If you value this service and want to help out in some small way, feel free to send me the gift of caffeine via my Ko-fi account. Any amount is greatly appreciated!